Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Principles of Regeneration - Introduction

The essential challenge in Regenerative studies is changing an entire system that functions perfectly well for society’s immediate needs and purposes. 

Industrial processes focus on a linear method that streamlines the withdrawal of materials from the Earth as if there were an inexhaustible supply. Once material is refined it incorporates them into products and services in a specialized manner, distributes the final product, service, or societal benefit in a production centric way, and then disposes them in a fashion that is quick and economical in only a short term perspective.

 Regenerative processes on the other hand operate in a circular, systemic method. The focus is on utilizing only the surplus of what nature provides, finds the most effective manner for using that surplus for the optimal societal benefit (given the assumption that improving the environment and nature benefits society), and then focuses the distribution of those benefits on a micro scale with community based distribution channels. 

The goal of Regenerative Studies is making a complete 180 degree turn on one path back down the path we came from. The choice society made to take the so-called "Paleotechnic route" was a misdirection or wrong turn and the potential "Neotechnic society" of the future is the appropriate path.

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